It Stops Me In My Tracks




To know me is to know that I can be hyper passionate about Things.   On a daily basis Things float into my orbit and I sometimes can't shake them.  I sometimes see these things in a side glance....I sometimes see them head on..... and a lot of the time I see them in my mind's rear view mirror from a different vantage point.

Inspiration.  I'm always looking for it, I'm always injected with it.  Inspire.  In me.  For some reason, a reason I can be pretty sure of, I am intensely vulnerable to these Things right now.  

You know Superman, right?  You know he has super powers, right?  I'm in SuperNately mode right now.  And my super powers?  To feel EVERY god damn emotion with the intensity of every Super Hero combined.  Yeah. Today, I watched three things on the computer at work and cried at each and everyone of them.  If I'm not crying about it, I've got goosebumps everywhere.  
And it's a god damn riot I tell ya.  I end up just laughing at myself, by myself.  It's a good thing.  I like it.  I like it a lot. 

Anyway, I wanted to share some deep inspiration with you all today.  It's good stuff.  And it makes me happy.  I sometimes worry that people don't feel the inspiration, or the heat, behind things like I do.  But then I realize, the right people.....they do.  And sometimes, I open people up to things that they would otherwise go unknowing about.  I open them up to it, and give them some kind of inspiration.  

The cool thing...the really miraculous thing, in my mind anyway, is that if you look hard enough you can find a message or an emotion, in Just About Anything.

  • Yo. So much happened to me today when I watched this.  First and foremost....the premise of not being able to listen to a song because it reminds me of someone....I FUCKING GET IT !!!!  Secondly, it's a gay couple.....something that I get emotional about every time I see it in mainstream media.  It's so fucking amazing to see this in my lifetime. I remember a time when this sort of thing was shameful, and that both hurts still....but mostly, I am so fucking happy to not be labeled something disgusting...because of who I am.  Thirdly, one of the dudes is Dustin Lance Black.  And that makes me VERY happy.  If you remember he won an Oscar for Milk.  (and then there was the homemade porn of him fucking another guy bareback that caused a HUGE outcry.....#getoverit)  Watch the video. It's powerful   And the end...I get it.  I feel it every day.
  • "You have to get lost before you find yourself".  Teenage angst a la Perks of Being a Wallflower or The Fault in Our Stars.  You bet your ass I'm on there.  For some reason the concept of big sweeping events shaping who and how you become the best version of you....those sorts of things invade me to the core.  If I can laugh through some misty eyes and think of the events from my own adolescence I am a happy man.  I may be "a certain age", but parts of me are just never going to grow up.  I'll always love this kind of movie or book.  
  • Rita Ora.  This song has been on repeat for about three weeks now.  "but nothing ever gets me high like this, I pick my poison and it's you.  Nothing could kill me like you do.  You're going straight to my head, and I'm headed straight for the edge....."  Identification with lyrics...check.  Feeling like Rita Ora is hittin it hard lately with her image....check.  Get it. Get it.
  • Florence unleashed this whole CD with a snippet of this song.  The song, in it's entirety is just outstanding.  I can't stop listening to it, and getting new things out of it each time.  It's lush, conflicted lyrics take my breath away.  "What are we going to do, we opened a door and it's all coming through..."  As many of you know, I cherish Florence.  This new album is perhaps the one I identify with the most.  Girlfriend was going THROUGH IT when she wrote these songs.  She's really clear about it, being about a broken soul and heart.  And while I may be past the heartache of it all, it never really goes away does it ?  "So much time on the other side, waiting for you to wake up...."  On this track, she references the lyrics from another track..."What Kind of Man".  Brilliant.  Brilliant ball of fire she is.  Thank you for giving her to me :)


  • The beautiful goodbye.  Inspiration comes from me too.  Directly from within me.  So I'm sharing something I wrote a week ago.  It's personal, and it's a bit......well it's subject matter again that is recalling things from the past....but it's my fabric.  And I write to heal.  Heal I have.  And here it is.

May 26,  2015

I'm driving home from the beach.
The day after Memorial Day.  I am smiling and so very happy.  #lifeisbeautiful

Two years ago at this exact time, on this exact day, I sat next to you, westbound, on the LIRR.
You had that god-forsaken eye mask/pillow covering your face. To sleep and to avoid us.
I sat next to you knowing once we parted ways, it was goodbye forever.
The closer we got to street level, from the depths of Penn station, the closer we got to our final goodbye.  

As you stood with your tote bags next to the escalator and the face of total indifference, I tried to hug you and kiss you goodbye.  You looked away.  And that is how I remember you. That last time I really saw you, the last time.....and that is a beautiful moment for me now.  It helps me know it's how it would always end up.  You turning your head away as I tried. Full of yourself. Empty of truth.

Just keep your eyes open.  Show me what you see too.  What inspires you, makes you feel goosebumps.....what makes you think of fantastical and bountiful things ??? 

Show me.  Always.


Meet me in the future later


To fully digest this post, you have to watch the video above.  It's pure beauty.  So please, take the 8 minutes and watch it.  You'll be happy you did.  I promise.  And if you aren't, you have no business being here :)  The first parts of it have no sound, so just watch and breathe. Now, on to my post.


It's St. Patrick's Day.   10pm.  

I'm most likely not going to post this tonight, as I really have to digest the day before I decide to provide an appropriate accounting of it, and the consequent impact it made.

After the second guy today, I made the decision to blog about it.  Then, while at the gym, the third one hit my phone.  Three men today, all of varying presence in my past, reached out to me.  Men whom I had relegated to the Land of No More.  This is also layered on top of the fact that a fourth entity from about three years ago became part of my present life as well.  A welcome re-entry.

All of this is not surprising I suppose.  But a few days ago I watched the video I posted here, the concept being something I think about...... A LOT.  

It is my firm belief that people intersect our lives for reasons that we can always assign a purpose to.  The bigger part, I've come to understand, is that sometimes they come at the very wrong time.  I lament this often, feeling like a potential love interest came knocking when I was interested elsewhere, or my feelings for them may not have been known to me.  Or the converse of this being that I was pursuing someone, and he just wasn't feeling me at the time.  I've found a lot of this is timing. Timing is everything.   I often think about it being subject to serendipity, fate or some other cosmic cog that, at the end of the day, we have no control over.  I've been on both ends of this dynamic force, and while I used to be saddened sometimes, I now think to myself "you never know what the future holds....take a breathe and do what you feel is best"

The past couple months (actually January and part of February....less so now) I've been dating more than I ever thought possible.  In full disclosure, my feeling has been that the more of the population I sample, the more likely it is that I will engage with The Right One.  While this has been a very frustrating and difficult period for reasons that most single people can understand (direct blows to one's self esteem and feeling like I'm going to die alone), it has also created an awareness of things within myself that I'm not sure I ever knew about myself.  It's been such a unforeseen period of self discovery, I'm very grateful for that surprise gift.

On to the meat of this entry.  The three communications that occurred today all came via text. Out Of Left Field, The Deep Blue, and A Galaxy Far Far Away.  There is no legitimate way I would have predicted this.  Three previous entanglements, and on the same's surreal to me.  (and what is more fun to think about  is that each of them are gorgeous, as is the man who resurfaced a few months ago.  I'm not talking gorgeous based upon my preferences.  All of them have abs I can point to and count, smoldering faces and impressive swagger.  It's no joke.  #fun #thingsthatmakeyougo.......) Anyway, I digress.  

I'm not saying I believe any one of these men are going to be anything further in my life.  Hell, I'm not even disclosing if I responded to their texts.  What I am saying is that Life Is Beautiful and Mysterious.  We never know when that person who waited on us in that restaurant is going to be your husband.  We don't know if the guy you spent that snow day with will recycle around two years from now saying you never left his thoughts.  We just don't know where the day will take us.  And we certainly won't know how the day will come to completion.  

I woke up today and went to yoga at 7am.   As I did my first downward dog I had no idea, at 11pm that very same day, those three men would put themselves in my orbit again. And please, don't get me wrong, it very well may be that each of them should stay in the past, but it may be opposite of that too.  I'm particularly tentative about feeling hope or committing to any one person being my next breakfast buddy, I've learned that the yellow brick road is winding, super suggestive to interference, and mostly just kind of fades into a pleasant field or dead end.  And there is That One.  Who fits better than the rest.

Meet me in the back.   Meet me in the future later.  Meet me when the docket is clear.  It would be nice to see you around.  I'm glad that you are happy and things are good for you now. That night was really special, even if for just the night.  I remember what your skin smelled like.  I liked the way you held me and sang quietly into my ear.  Since we last talked I went through a tough period only to find myself in a better place.  I started dating someone and you got back with your ex.

All things we say when fate leads us to one another unexpectedly.  I've learned to wake up and allow the day to be filled with wonder and unforeseen direction.  

Thank you for letting me know I'm on your mind and that you always wondered what would have been.  I'll pay it forward.  I promise.

Much -





Meridith and Annie: My top 10 + 5 songs for Cocktail Hour at Your Wedding

Request from Meridith:

"Name your top 10 appropriate songs to play during cocktail hour"

Mixed mood.  Fun.
Easy enough, right?

Back in the winter of 1995 I moved from my undergraduate town of Plattsburgh, NY to Lancaster, PA.
My father had remarried, gotten sober, and moved to Lancaster while I was in college.  I was still only experimenting with guys....oh shit, I digress.  This post isn't about that.

It's about the girl, MY GIRL.  I met her on one of my first few times going out to a gay bar in Lancaster.   Well, to be precise, it was the morning after I went out to that gay bar.

I woke up with some guy named Kenny, on his living room floor.
He announced,  "Hey Meridith, this is Nathan, " as she stepped over me on her way out to work, or something like that.
In the following weeks and months I'd run into her a lot, until eventually we started hanging out and going out at night together.

Our love affair as best friends began in Lancaster and I have no idea where it ends.

She's still in my soul, still in a lot of moments in my life, even though I don't reach out to let her know it.  I think she thinks of me too, in moments she knows I would appreciate...that we would appreciate.  She knows me...I know her.  I've always, since the day I met her, thought of her as my sister.  I have no siblings, but if I did, I know it would be her.
We both have big eyes and deep thoughts.  Siblings.

When she moved to Baltimore, I moved there not long after her.  When she met her then girlfriend, I was there by her side.  When they broke up, Meridith moved into my dining room turned lesbian bedroom.  On New Year's Eve 2000, The Millennium, when everyone was fleeing NYC, we went up and went to the Roxy.  When we fell....we picked each other back up.....sometimes though, life doesn't mean for us to get up right away and sometimes the best we could do was sit down next to each other and cry our faces off.

Time has forged it's path with us, and we have shed lovers, jobs, pets, and fears.  We try to do our best to be as close as we know we should be...but it gets hard and new fears, pets, jobs and lovers sprout up.

And here she is.  Getting married.   To the woman, Annie, who has finally fit into her the way that feels just perfect.  The right balance, the right beauty...the right one.  It is quite literally perfect.

I always had dreams of being her best man, or some version of that.  Alas, she is "heading in a different  artistic direction" with her wedding and it isn't meant to be.  She knows me though, and I got a text tonight asking for some songs for her cocktail hour.  She knows music and Nathan.  Even though she isn't always on the same page with my music, she always gives it a try.

1.  Ho Hey by The Lumineers.  Because i see the townsfolk sitting around and chanting this in a mountain bar.  with lightning bugs, paper lanterns and a warm breeze.  And this vision reminds me of Meridith and Annie.

2.  Mirrors by Justin Timberlake.  Because i happen to sing this song beautifully and i love it when it's a sing along.  Kidding...but almost not kidding.  The words...if i were getting married, mirrors.

3. Express Yourself by Madonna.  Because everyone needs a little Madonna, and I've always pushed Mer Mer to express herself.  Even if she won't grab her crotch like Madonna.  oh wait...yeah she will :)

4.  Love Will Come To You by the Indigo Girls.  Because, no song has ever meant more at times in my life.  Because Love did come to Meridith.

5.  Oops...I Did It Again by Britney Spears.  Because I made Meridith listen to this, over and over and over and over.  And over.  As I made the world's most PERFECT mix tapes.  and it's Brit Brit.  I needed one Brit song.

6.  You & I (forever) by Jessie Ware.  Because this bitch.  And this video.  And this song are everything.  About love.  About making it together.  Forever.

7.  Ice Cream by Sarah McLachlan. Because I cried many long nights to Meridith with Miss McLachlan as the soundtrack.  And this song...I believe Meridith and Annie found their own very special flavor of ice cream.  Cheers ladies.

8.   To Make You Feel My Love  by Trisha Yearwood.  Because we are getting everyone in the mood for love and a good love story.  and this song should just about do it.  to anyone.  you cold hearted bitches out there.

9.  Viva La Vida by Coldplay.  Because my feet tap.  and he's singing about ruling the world. drums and revolutionaries.  and i think about gay weddings.  bells ringing...and it's a god damn revolution.  and I am into that.  Let's make it dramatic, it took long enough for us to get here.

10.  XO by Beyonce.   Because it makes sense.  For any of us.

plus 5

11.  Crack the Shutters by Snow Patrol  This song, is a lovers song.  It belongs in the light of morning.  listen to the words and you will fall in step.

12.  A Thousand Years by Christina Perri  This one breaks my heart.  Literally breaks me in two.  It was the end of a week vacation in a false paradise and it played while he packed his bags.  In any event, I think it one of the most beautfiul love songs I've ever heard.  I can't listen to it really anymore, but knew it had to be up here.

13.  Drumming Song by Florence and the Machine  High drama.  If you watch this video, and I recommend you all do, you will see what I mean.  And I think this list could use some drama.

14.  The Edge of Glory or You and I by Lady Gaga.  They are both the same song to me.  High celebration, dusty roads and real people.  As strange as that may sound for Gaga, I love these songs.

15.  Make it to Me by Sam Smith.  His voice.  All of our hearts.  Get it Sam.

This woman, has shown me unconditional love and friendship like no other.  I would do anything for her.  Anything.  The least is to essay the love I have through some songs and some pieces of myself that go directly in the light and love of the marriage she is about to start.
It may not be the exact vibe you may want to create.  But I had a helluva fun time putting it together....for my friend's cocktail hour, with the knowledge that it isn't MY cocktail hour.  And I can't wait.